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Life @ HP

Hindustan Platinum is home to an exciting work-culture, where innovation, creativity and enthusiasm can always be found lurking around. Learning something new is part of daily life. The Hindustan Platinum Family is close-knit and people from all walks of life, enjoy a harmonious bond with each other.

There is openness and trust, and the environment at Hindustan Platinum is amicable and collaborative. Life is vibrant and exciting as each person works towards building an organisation of the future, in turn, carving out their own future.

Each day is full of activity, yet deeply fulfilling. When people leave in the evening, there is a sense of contentment and of having added value to the organization. Work-life balance is non-negotiable. Yet working hours are stress-free and enjoyable.

There is thorough professionalism. Everyone is treated with respect and dignity and given equal opportunities to prove themselves without hinderance from individual prejudices or predilections. Individual contributions are recognized, and growth is encouraged.

There are several activities planned through the year, that build camaraderie and create time for us to engage and bond with each other.

We also organize events to engage our employees professionally, such as Business Plan Kick Off, Foundation Day, Annual Picnic, Birth-Day Celebrations, Out Bound learning programs, and performance orientation workshops. There are plenty of structured opportunities to better understand the company’s vision, as well as policies and processes through experiential learning sessions.

Hindustan Platinum is a truly great place to work, where professionals can aspire to a great life and career.


Motivation is always on the rise here as we are driven by the purpose to excel. At Hindustan Platinum, the atmosphere is vibrant with the energy to do more, to achieve ambitions and to empower each other is always high. We believe the work environment plays an important role in the advancement of an individual, personally as well as professionally. Therefore, our efforts are put in the direction, where everyone derives joy out of their work.


Encouragement overflows here as we strive to create a culture that is committed to growth and positivity. Celebrating birthdays, honoring employees with awards and greeting each other with love and affection during festivities are some of the major events that make Hindustan Platinum, a place to be in.

Foundation Day
Business Plan Kick-off
VMVC Workshop & Roll-out
Leadership Development
Hindustan Platinum Puerto Rico plant opening
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